
From Wolf Scrapbook

Name Vivian
Location Palo Duro Canyon
Species Maiden
Alignment Nature Protective
Age Unknown

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Vivian is a canyon maiden who has saved the canyon from many demonic threats before. She is friends with Kas, who is allowed to enter her parts of the canyon due to his friendship with Makani. She has white hair, fair skin, red eyes, and is unnaturally beautiful.

Biography[edit | edit source]

At one point she fought Avera and won.

Relation to Kas[edit | edit source]

Kas was summoned by her to partake in a fertility ritual with her and Araulile. He agreed.
Question: If Avera was defeated by Makani and Coyote, how did Vivian also defeat her? Did the two battles (Makani v Avera and Vivian v Avera) take place at different times or did Vivian help out Makani in defeating Avera?

Sources[edit | edit source]