
From Wolf Scrapbook

Name Skinwalker
Location Palo Duro Canyon Earth
Goddess None
Disposition Evil, Destructive

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Skinwalkers are witches with the ability to seemingly morph into animal like creatures.

Per Kas: Skinwalkers are not exclusive to the canyon, but are often found looking for humans to prey upon. They’ll morph into animals with human like eyes and will have no tail. They give off a horrid smell and whatever sound they make will be heavily distorted. Some can even disguise as humans as well. I don’t know what happens if they catch you, but it’s assumed they will use your skin as a disguise. You can kill them with white ashes.

History[edit | edit source]

They used to be witches.

Individuals/Kas' Encounters[edit | edit source]

Examples include:
A skinwalker stops a Christian who tried to let God into the canyon by breaking the barrier. It's unknown though how he would have been able to do this.
Kas' great grandpa had a skinwalker hut right next to his house, though luckily nothing bad ever happened. This was the Feral Woman's hut.

Question[edit | edit source]

Relation to the canyon goddesses and enlightenment

Sources[edit | edit source]

Speculation[edit | edit source]