Main Page

From Wolf Scrapbook

Welcome to Kas Wolf's Great-Grandfather's Scrapbook!

This wiki is the official guide to Kas' experiences in Palo Duro Canyon, and all of the goddesses there!!

What is this wiki?

NOTE FOR KAS: I've left this note in case you revisit this wiki page. I know you've deactivated your Quora account for the time being, but I'd still like to continue learning about the canyon and all of the interesting phenomenon associated with it. If you see this note, please contact me at I look forwards to hearing from you!

Kas Wolf is a Quora user who writes amazing anecdotes about his experiences in the Palo Duro canyon. This wiki is like his great grandfather's scrapbook in that it contains all the information he has given us about the canyon and its denizens. The Canyon is full of the paranormal, but the religion that governs it keeps to itself- so let Kas' stories and this wiki be your guide into the canyon. Hopefully this wiki can be the ultimate guide to canyon lore!

Key Sources: these are the ones that may not be mentioned on every page, but are fundamental to the understanding of these beings:

This wiki also contains speculation on lore and science. As Kas states, the Goddesses allow him to pursue his love of science, so why not try to look at things logically and scientifically? Of course, some of this speculation can be wrong, though it never hurts to put it out there.

Explore the Canyon

Locations (Palo Duro Canyon // Realms)
Denizens (Goddesses // Individuals // Paranormal Beings)
Key articles to learn more about the Canyon and the Goddesses: Arscil Soul Timeline

Things to Do:

  • This will list anything that is currently unknown even by Kas about the canyon, its realms, and the beings that live there
  • Where did Iretha come from?
  • How can a soul (even if it is powered by Iretha, whose soul must still be the thing powering all the other souls) change reality (basically the metaphysics of the soul within the Canyon)
  • What is the ancient evil Lyzarel fought against?
  • How do the goddesses in the canyon compare with beings outside the canyon? Do beings outside the canyon even exist, and if so how and why did so many interdimensional species find their ways to Earth? Isn't this a little too unlikely?

